Friday, December 10, 2010

"Nothing Is Certain But Death and Taxes"

It's about that time of the year again and I am not talking about Christmas.  I'm thinking about Income Tax filing time.  Most Tax Practitioners start planning for the next filing season no later than September end and I am no different.  What sets me apart from many other Tax Professionals is my additional capacity as a Life Insurance Agent.  I am always thinking about what is in the best financial interest of my clients and their families and want to encourage everyone to think and plan wisely as we prepare to move into a new year.

We have begun to receive inquiries from clients who are trying to determine what, if any amount might be refunded to them next year if they have overpaid taxes to the government this year.  My guess is, they are already planning what they are going to do with their refund money next year.
If you are someone who normally receives an income tax refund and you do not have an active Life Insurance policy in place, please consider this.  Plan on purchasing a Life Insurance policy with a portion of your anticipated Income Tax Refund in 2011.

According to an article published in USA Today, "Households With Life Insurance Hits Lowest Levels in 50 Years", there are far too many families without financial protection.  Albeit, there are many factors to why this is so, money, or lack of it probably topping the list, Life Insurance today is affordable, easily obtainable for most and a critical financial protection to have in place for those who depend on you.

If you are someone without coverage or have coverage but the benefit amount is not enough to protect your dependents financially at the time of your death,  please consider using a portion of your tax refund to pay for a Life Insurance policy.  If you commit, at least, $300-500 of your tax refund to an annual payment on a Life Insurance plan, you will not only be insured without the responsibility of a monthly payment, the family that depends on you will be protected financially should something happen to you as well.

 Remember, "nothing is certain but Death and Taxes" so what easier way to pay for the expenses surrounding your death than with your Income Tax over payment refund.  Paying premiums one time annually avoids adding to your monthly expenses.  It's a convenient, easy and responsible thing to do with your refund!
Contact me to help you find an affordable Life Insurance plan to put in place.

Tina Little-Coltrane
Coltrane Insurance
Life and Health Insurance Consultant

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

ASK ME About Medicare!

Yes, please ASK ME about your Medicare Healthcare options.  Especially now as we are just days away for Medicare's Annual Election Period.

Beginning November 15 thru December 31, 2010 existing Medicare recipients will have the opportunity to change their existing health care coverage for 2011.  If you or someone you know is on Medicare and not happy with your/their current health care plan, right now is the time to begin the review process.  Insurance companies have put their new plans for 2011 in place so learn about what other options are available in your/their area(s).

This year's Health Care Reform Bill brought about several changes which prompted many insurance carriers to pull certain health care plans out of specific areas leaving many Medicare recipients with the task of finding new coverage before 2011.  The Annual Election Period will be the last opportunity for these seniors to select a new Medicare Advantage plan for 2011 or they will automatically return to their Original Medicare coverage as of January 1, 2011.

For new Medicare recipients, that is, anyone who just turned 65 within the last 3 months or anyone who is going to turn 65 within the next 3 months, you are in your Initial Enrollment Period.  ASK ME about Medicare.  Let's talk about what your health care coverage options are now that you have Medicare.  During this 7 month period surrounding your 65th birthday you are eligible to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan or Medicare Supplement plan without being subject to a health history exam or review. (note: exceptions apply- i.e. End Stage Renal Disease,etc.).  You also have the option to stay with Original Medicare and enroll in a stand alone Prescription Drug Plan.

Selecting the right Medicare plan can be very confusing not only for Seniors but for anyone this is why there is so much assistance available, you just need to know where to find it.  I am an Independent Licensed Insurance Professional who is Certified to sell Medicare Advantage and Medicare Prescription Drug plans in several States.  As an authorized selling agent for a few major insurance carriers offering Medicare Healthcare plans, including Medicare Supplement plans, I am available to assist anyone that resides in one of the States I am Licensed in who wants to learn about the Medicare healthcare choices in their area.

Call today to schedule a time to talk about your Medicare options.  Now is the perfect time to be asking about your Medicare Health coverage so please ASK ME!  Visit for more info.

Tina Little-Coltrane
Life and Health Insurance Consultant
Coltrane Insurance
1-800-755-2896 x 101
336-675-5280 Mobile

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Life Insurance Awareness Month 2010

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month

Each September the insurance industry turns it's focus on promoting the importance of carrying Life Insurance.  Life Insurance Awareness Month-(LIAM), coordinated by the nonprofit LIFE Foundation is an industry-wide effort and campaign created in response to the growing concern about the large number of Americans who lack adequate life insurance protection.  Approximately 70 million adults in this country have no life insurance and most of those who do, have far less coverage than their family will actually need.

As an Insurance Professional it is my responsibility to impress upon everyone to think about a few very important facts before the worst happens.
If you died today, how would your loved ones fare financially?  I realize this is not a very comfortable subject to think about but not doing so can have very serious financial consequences for your family.
Life Insurance Month is the perfect opportunity to think about your life insurance needs and to put plans in place to make sure that your family will be protected if the unthinkable were to happen.

Life Insurance provides cash to your family after your death.  Known as the death benefit, it can help your family pay for the funeral and final expenses, mortgage and other credit debt balances and provide income for your family to live on for a period of time after you are gone.
How much Life Insurance a person needs depends on their current financial status and what their future objectives would be for the dependents they leave behind.  LIAM is the perfect time to review your life insurance needs so please take a few minutes out of your busy schedules to make sure that you and your family have adequate Life Insurance protection.  To get a general idea of your Life Insurance needs, take advantage of the online calculator provided by the LIFE Foundation at

Insurance is here because LIFE happens and so does DEATH so the bottom line is this, if anyone depends on you financially, you need Life Insurance- plain and simple.
Allow me the opportunity to help you secure your family's financial future with Life Insurance coverage.  Please visit my site: Coltrane Insurance to request your free Life Insurance quote today.

Tina Little-Coltrane
Life and Health Insurance Consultant
1-800-755-2896 x 101
Watch:  A Legacy Of Love

Monday, August 16, 2010

Insurance: What About The Children?

For the average parent, just the thought of losing a child sends a rush of emotions that so quickly paralyzes the heart and the mind so much so that we cannot even complete the thought.  But we must.  Not so much for the children's sake but more for ours.

If we cannot even think about the loss of a child for a minute, then you have to know that if this inconceivable occurrence were to happen and unfortunately it does, most of us would be rendered incompetent to function, make arrangements or important timely decisions.
I have forced myself to think about it long enough to know that if something were to happen to any one of my children, my mental state would be such that I would be of no assistance to my husband with trying to find money for anything at a time like that or for a long time thereafter.

Some would argue that Life Insurance's main purpose is to replace an income and since most children do not earn an income which contributes to the household finances, "children don't need life insurance", but I beg to differ.
A working family with little or no savings will need money to pay for the final arrangements.  Where is the money going to come from if there is no insurance plan in place to pay for the expenses surrounding a death in the family?  Where?

This is a difficult and uncomfortable subject to think about but again, you must, not only for your sake but for your remaining family's sake.  Low to middle income working parents think about this and ask yourselves these questions:

  1. How will you pay for the final arrangements if your child dies? (please, God Forbid)
  2. How long do you think it will take you to recover, if at all?
  3. Will your Health Insurance plan cover Bereavement Counseling or Psychiatric Care? (which I know for a fact I would need.)
  4. Do you think you will be able to return to work after your 1 week bereavement time off is up?
  5. How will your household function financially if you are unable to return to work right away?
These are critical questions and genuine concerns that need to be considered when thinking about Life Insurance for your family.

Adding a Child Insurance Rider-(Policy) to your Insurance policy or purchasing a stand alone Insurance plan for your child is so very inexpensive.  Depending on your Final Arrangement and Insurance Benefit choices, there are policies available for less than $10 per month.  We insure our houses, our cars- no hesitation, but when it comes to the most important beings in our lives, our children... we hesitate.  Why?

There are different types of coverages available for children.  Term Life Insurance is a lower premium policy which typically is guaranteed for a specific period of time.  Whole Life Insurance is generally a higher premium plan but can last for the rest of their lives and provides the opportunity to build a cash value savings over the life of the active policy.  Regardless of your choice, they both provide options to fit your budget.

I am a Licensed Life and Health Insurance Agent and Broker/Owner of Coltrane Insurance.  If you do not have Life Insurance on yourself and/or you children, please contact me for a free quote and assistance with planning for the unexpected should it happen.  Life happens and so does Death, so please, be prepared.

Tina Little-Coltrane - Life Insurance Advisor
Coltrane Insurance - 1-800-755-2896

Friday, June 4, 2010

Final Expense Planning, Has The Inevitable Been Planned For?

Death! OMG!  The virtual elephant has just entered the building.
Just the sound of this word or seeing the letters put together to form the word DEATH makes most people very uncomfortable. No one wants to talk about it let alone think about it because with Death, what usually follows is sadness and grieving but Death is a fact of life, albeit the end of the life cycle, it's still a fact of life.
Just about everything that lives will eventually die.  It is what it is so we need to think about it, plan for it and not leave this burden for the grieving family that is left behind to handle.

So with that being said and acknowledged the next point to be made is actually just a few questions;
  1. WHO is going to pay for your/their Final arrangements?
  2. WHERE are you/they going to get the money from to pay for it?
  3. Do you/they know what the COST of an average funeral or cremation is today?
Please don't leave this responsibility for your heartbroken family to deal with once you are gone.  Another situation to consider is concerning your aging parent(s).  If Mom or Dad does not have life insurance, what are you going to do?  HOW are you, your siblings and other family members going to pay for Mom and Dad's final arrangements?  More family fights, disputes and bitter feelings have been created in the midst of and as a result of final arrangement planning after the fact.

Well here's some favorable information.  This is 2010 and nowadays you can prearrange and prefund the  Funeral and/or Final Arrangements WITHOUT visiting the local or out of town Funeral Home facility.
There are several insurance plans and programs specifically for Final Expense Planning being offered today, one of which comes from NGL-National Guardian Life Insurance Company.

NGL offers Final Expense Life Insurance coverage which sets aside funds for your final expenses.  You have the option of purchasing a very affordable Life Insurance policy for between the benefit amounts of $5000 up to $12,500 which, in most cases, is enough to pay for the average Funeral service today.
You also have the option to make sure those funds are used to pay for the Final Expenses first and foremost by assigning the plan to an "Irrevocable" Funeral Trust account.  Funeral Expense Trust plans insure that the benefits from the policy are used for costs surrounding the final arrangements.  Again, the Trust assignment is an option and another step to protecting the death proceeds from the policy and possibly other assets from being used for other financial obligations that may be left behind.
You may want to consult with a Legal Professional to explain the specifics of an "Irrevocable" Trust account and find out if this may be the right choice for you.

So again the question remains, has the inevitable been planned for?  If not, please don't leave financial burdens as your legacy.  Taking care of your Final Arrangements and Funeral Expense Planning is the last great gift you can give to your loved ones.  And don't forget about Mom and/or Dad, have they taken care of their end of life planning?  Don't wait until your in the middle of a grieving storm to try to figure out what to do next.
Preplan, Prefund and BE PREPARED in advance.

For more information about Final Expense and End of Life Planning with NGL, please contact me at
Coltrane Insurance and Financial Planning.  I am an Independent Insurance Broker and contracted Trusted Advisor for National Guardian Life-NGL.  Also, ask me about how you can get FREE membership into the Legacy Safeguard program.

Tina Little-Coltrane
Life/Health Insurance Broker

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Respect & Appreciate your uniqueness & resist the temptation to conform by always following the crowd. It's OK to "break-away" from the herd to live YOUR life. Enjoy the Blessing you came here to be!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Disability Insurance -vs- Long Term Care Insurance .... So What's The Diff.??

So, you already have one or the other at work and really don't think much about it or realize that there is a definite difference between the two.  Disability Insurance and Long Term Care coverage serve two completely different purposes.  If you don't have either you really need to perk up and pay attention because these are just as important, if not more so, than carrying Life Insurance because they protect you and your family while you are still alive so let's briefly dig into the meat of the matter:

Disability Insurance - (Long or Short Term)
Think about this; If you were suddenly unable to work due to an illness or accident, what would happen to you and your family financially now that the paycheck has stopped?  This is a really good question to ask yourself when considering Disability Insurance(DI) coverage.  DI provides, in most cases, 50-65% of lost income due to an illness or accident that leaves you unable to work for weeks, months or even years.
Now, unless your employer is going to pay for your rent/mortgage, food, utilities and other living expenses, these will continue.  In fact, your bills may increase due to additional medical expenses and/or you may require additional help around the house.  Disability Insurance is designed to replace a portion of your earned income to help you maintain your standard of living when you cannot work due to an accident or illness.

Long Term Care Insurance
LTC differs from DI in that it is not meant to replace your lost income but instead protects your accumulated assets from being lost to the expenses of required long term care.  If a Doctor declares that you need assistance with daily living activities, your Long Term Care coverage would help protect you and your family from the financial and emotional burden of caring for you.
Although often thought of as the "Nursing Home Insurance", it has been reported that at least 40% of those receiving LTC benefits are between the ages of 18-64, who have been hurt in accidents or suffered Brain Tumors and Strokes.  Many of these beneficiaries are receiving assisted care in their own homes because this coverage applies to Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities or In-Home care.

Here's something else to think about, does your family have a history of early Heart Problems, Cancer, Diabetes or another chronic illness?  Are you smoking, eating unhealthy foods/drinks or taking other chances that could be detrimental to your health and safety?  Does your work involve risk or high stress?  The need to invest in Disability and/or Long Term Care coverage may be urgent even if you are completely healthy.
Life Happens and so does Illness and Accidents, most of the time occuring unexpectedly, without warning.

Please consider all of these factors before deciding to wait.  If you already have Disability coverage through your employer you may want to consider purchasing an individual policy as well because you cannot take their plan with you when you leave your job -or- your job leaves you.
Another thing to keep in mind is that age and health status can throw you into a higher risk category so waiting could be more costly than the insurance premium itself.  If you are Single, Married, with or without children and you depend on your income to pay your bills, carrying Disability Insurance as a financial security blanket is a wise choice because the bills won't stop just because you are not able to work due to an accident or illness.

Long Term Care coverage is just as important. Again, it helps to protect your accumulated assets from the dangers of being depleted by reimbursing you for some of the costs surrounding required assistance with your activities of daily living (Bathing, Feeding, Toileting, Walking, etc.) either in a Nursing Home, Assisted Living Facility or for many who in their own home.

You've protected yourself from the high costs of Medical bills by purchasing Health Insurance so don't forget to protect your standard of living-(i.e. food, shelter, utilities), as well as the assets you've accumulated by carrying both Disability Insurance and Long Term Care Insurance.

To find out more information or request a quote for protecting your income with Disability Insurance and/or planning for the costs of Long Term Care, please contact me at Coltrane Insurance.  I am an Independent Contracted Sales Representative with Mutual of Omaha and MedAmerica which both offer a few of the best plans on the market today. Plans are available on an Individual or Group/Employer basis and vary by Carrier.

Tina Little-Coltrane
Independent Insurance Broker
Financial Planning Advisor
1-800-755-2896 x 101

To learn more about Mutual of Omaha's Choice Portfolio, Disability Income plan, click HERE>>>>> then contact me for additional assistance.  Coltrane Insurance

To learn more about MedAmerica's Simplicity ii LTCi plan, click HERE>>>>> 
then contact me for additional assistance. Coltrane Insurance

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

TLC's TNT Blast!

Welcome to Tina Little-Coltrane's Weekly Tips for Total Non-Stop Travel!

Are you a Total Non-Stop Traveler or just need to plan a vacation or a quick getaway?  Well check out our weekly TNT Blast for the 411 on several deals and discounts being offered today.

You see, once upon a time, I worked in the Travel Industry as an Agent/Consultant and I still love Travel.  I love planning Travel and really love to find great Travel deals.  Although my primary business is currently in the Insurance industry, I have Travel Affiliates who are major Online Travel Retailers offering specials, deals, discounts and more so check out our weekly TNT Blast!

From Memorial Day Sale: Get savings up to 30% off at! - Expires 5/31/10

Memorial Day Sale: Save up 30%

Plan, Search and Book-it thru Expedia!
Expedia Summer Sale Bonus: Get $300 in coupons for future travel with a qualifying hotel stay. - Expires 6/29/10

Rooms101 specializes in booking promotional vacations at discount prices. This is a great alternative for the budget conscious traveler.
Call Now: 866-944-1791

Call Now: 866-944-1791

For more Travel deals, check out

Happy Travel Planning! TLC

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Take Care of The Ones You Care About

Final Expense and Estate Planning is not something we do for ourselves, we do it for those we care about.  It is an expression of love and responsibility.  Just as Adults should clean up behind themselves, they should also not pass their final expense costs, financial obligations and problems down to their children or other family members expecting them to pay and solve this problem.

Planning in advance for paying funeral costs, estate taxes and other debts is very important.  These obligations will have to be paid one way or another.  If you do not plan ahead and allocate funds to pay for them, the IRS and other creditors have the ability to seize our most valuable monetary assets and force them to be sold to generate cash for paying off debt.  By planning today about how to pay for your final expenses including Funeral and Tax costs will save your spouse, children and grandchildren a lot of inconvenience, stress and money.

Common costs that are incurred and should be planned for include:
  1. Funeral Expenses
  2. Property and/or Income Taxes
  3. Probate Court Fees
  4. Outstanding Debts - (Mortgage, Credit Cards, Auto Loans)
  5. Federal Estate and State Death Taxes
  6. Long Term Care - (Medical/Nursing Home Expenses)
  7. Education and Health Expenses for minor children
Final Expense and Estate Planning are a responsibility of adulthood and an act of love for the people we care most about.  It involves the process of transferring the right assets to the right people, at the right time, with the right cost and with the right management.  It protects the assets we've accumulated over our lifetime and the families we've built, loved and cared for.  A carefully thought out plan will give us control over what happens in the future with our assets and peace of mind in knowing that what we desire to do for our loved ones will actually come into fruition.

When you are done with your planning, you will more than likely feel pretty good, achieving peace of mind.  We have all heard the stories of family members fighting over who should get what from their parent's estate.  Ongoing sibling rivalries and distrust often come to the surface when a parent's estate has to be determined and distributed.  If you do not want your death to potentially create family animosity or trigger a family feud, design your Final Expense and Estate Plan in advance.  This will bring your family closer together instead of pushing them apart.  When you have completed your planning, you will know that what you have done is in the best interest of your family by taking care of the ones you care about.

If you have any questions or would like additional information and assistance with getting started on your Final Expense and Estate Planning, please contact me.

Tina Little-Coltrane, Final Expense Advisor
Coltrane Insurance, Life/Health Insurance Broker or call 1-800-755-2896 ext 101

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Tis The Season…..Aaargh!! It’s Almost Tax Filing Time!

It’s a wrap…2009 has just left the building-right out the back door, holidays are over and it’s time to get back down to business-Income Tax business that is. If you have not already done so, you might want to consider getting a jump on putting your tax receipts together for your 2009 Income Tax Preparation and Filing.

I, for one, hate waiting til the last minute -April 15 (or any date close to it) to start putting my info together. I prefer to have everything said and done no later than February end. This way, God Forbid, if any unexpected surprises, law changes, errors or omissions, blah-blah-blah should arise, I will have enough time to possibly correct, adjust and resubmit before deadline. Yes, we can always file for an extension if needed, but really, who wants one more thing left over on their “to-do” plate that has to be dealt with.

Whether you are a Small Business owner, Independent Contractor or Employee, the question of the day is; “have you been keeping up with all of your allowable expenses for this past year ?” If not, this is the perfect time to make your resolution to start keeping better records of your expenditures starting January 1, 2010. Can you believe it...that was just 1 day ago!

Here are just a few typical business expenses related to Small Business professionals:
Auto Travel- Deductible business mileage is travel to and from:
  • Client meetings
  • Continuing Education Classes 
  • Business Trips
Business Mileage rates for 2009 were 55 cents per mile. (More info here)
This rate has been reduced to 50 cents per mile, effective January 1, 2010.

Try to remember to keep receipts for all auto operating expenses:
Parking meters, tolls, gas, oil, repairs, insurance, car loan interest, vehicle registration.

Professional Fees and Dues - Paid to organizations related to your profession are deductible.
Document and keep track of fees paid to:
  • Business Associations 
  • Chamber of Commerce 
  • City/State Business License
Other Business Deductions:  Following are examples of ordinary and necessary business expenses and supplies that are generally tax deductible.

  • Advertising and Promotion 
  • Business Equipment
  • Computer software, supplies, internet service pertaining to your business
  • Consultation/Legal Fees
  • Film and processing pertaining to your business
  • Office Supplies- Stationary, Briefcase, Copier/Fax supplies
  • Photocopy expenses
  • Postage, shipping and freight 
  • Greeting Cards

Many deductions have specifications and “only if” rules/regulations so, please, consult with your Tax Advisor for a complete list of legally allowable deductions.
If you are like me, don't have a Tax Advisor, (Hubby and I do our own taxes – I am an IRS Authorized E-File Provider and Tax Preparer), go directly to the source..."The IRS", for more info.

Keeping better records is a learned and practiced behavior. It will be difficult at first, but if you are like me, every year will be a little better than the last if you stick with it. Just consider it one of your New Year's resolutions and commit to it. It will make your life so much easier come this time next year!

Good Luck and I Wish Everyone A Healthy and Prosperous New Year!