Saturday, October 1, 2011

Life Insurance Awareness Continues

Well, we have just ended another “September is Life Insurance Awareness Month” and no doubt, most people have been bombarded with the commercials, blogs and articles pertaining to the importance of carrying Life Insurance but guess what?  It is very important and we must continue to inform and educate on the importance of Life Insurance past the designated “September Awareness Month” in order to keep this issue out in the forefront for family financial protection.

These days, there are countless stories, videos and information pages all accessible over the internet about all types of insurance so I won’t go into another long speech here about how Life Insurance or the lack of it can greatly affect your family, emotionally and financially.  What I will do is remind you that Life Insurance is not about you.  It is about the grieving loved ones that are left behind and the responsibility that is left on their backs to handle your Final Arrangements, outstanding debts, kid’s education, medical bills and the list of life responsibilities goes on and on.  Life Insurance can either make or break a family upon the death of one of it's members.

If you are that person who couldn't care less about burdening your family financially after you’re gone, then I’m not talking to you but if you are one that cares about their family and want to make sure the legacy you leave behind is not that of irresponsibility, then please, invest in a Life Insurance policy today.  You love and care about your family, so if and when the unthinkable happens, make sure that they will remember just that by insuring yourself which protects them.

I have been an advocate for life insurance, personally and professionally for over 20yrs and will continue to speak on its importance as long as I have breath.  Life Insurance is very affordable and there are several different plan types to choose from that will fit your family’s needs and budget.  Please contact a Life Insurance Professional who is Licensed in your State of residence that can assist you with putting your family’s security plan in place.

Tina Little-Coltrane, Life/Health Insurance Advisor, Coltrane Insurance
Currently Licensed in the States of: NY, MD, VA, NC, SC, GA, FL
Authorized Insurance Sales Representative for: – Insurance Information and Resources